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How to Inactivate or Freeze on the Student Profile


You can update a student’s status from the Student List (one at a time or using Bulk Edit). You can also update the student’s status on the Student Profile page.


To update a student’s status on the student profile

1. In the Search field in the upper-right corner, start typing the student’s name, and then click the correct name in the search results. (Alternatively, click Profiles and then click Students in the left panel, and in the Student List, click the desired student’s name.) This takes you to the student’s profile.

2. Beside the student’s name and picture, click the status drop-down list and select a new status. If the student is Active, you can choose either Frozen or Inactive.

  • Frozen: Choose Frozen if you need to pause a student for a short period of time, typically a month or two. A student in Frozen status will still receive general announcements or automated messages. If the student has one or more recurring billings set up, the recurring billing(s) will be made inactive when they are frozen.
  • Inactive: Choose Inactive when a student quits. If the student has any recurring billings, the recurring billings will be made inactive. Inactive students will not receive general announcements or automated messages (unless you choose to send a general announcement to ALL inactive students).

3. A window pops up to let you know that freezing or inactivating the student will disable (make inactive) any recurring billings for that student. Click the Confirm button to freeze or inactivate the student.

Note: Frozen students will have access to their student user account, but inactive students will not. If you do not want a frozen student to have access to their student user account, be sure to scroll down and click Close User Account in the User Account section.