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What Student Data Can and Can Not Be Imported into Kicksite?


To request an import of student and/or prospect data, please email If you have a spreadsheet file with student or prospect data you’d like imported, please attach the file(s) in your email. If you are switching from other software, be sure to put the name of your previous software in the request to import; the Data team can either give you directions to export data yourself, or can export the data for you.

Please note: While the data import options are unlocked to administrators and employees, Kicksite recommends letting the Data team handle your data imports. The data importer software has many strict requirements for the type, formatting, and contents of fields; the strict requirements are to ensure that the data imported is clean, formatted correctly, and doesn’t create errors on import.


The following information can be imported into Kicksite:

For Students

  • First, Middle, and Last Name
  • Status (Active or Inactive)
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Street, City, State, Zip
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Guardian/Parent Name, Phone, Email, Relationship (can have 1 or 2 guardians)
  • Emergency Contact Name, Phone (can have 1 or 2 emergency contacts)
  • Family Name
  • Belt Size
  • Notes (goes into Comments on the profile)
  • Medical/Critical Notes (goes into a Pinned Comment on the profile)
  • Source
  • Program and Rank (must match program/rank names in Kicksite)
  • Membership, Membership Start Date, Membership End Date (must match membership name in Kicksite; valid date required for start and end dates)
For Prospects

  • First, Middle, and Last Name
  • Status (Lead or Archived)
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Street, City, State, Zip
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Notes (goes into Comments on the profile)
  • Medical/Critical Notes (goes into a Pinned Comment on the profile)
  • Source

**Note: As noted above, the data importer requires a valid start date and end date to import memberships. (A valid date for membership data import is an actual date in mm/dd/yyyy format; it also can’t be more than 10 years in the future.) If you have unlimited or auto-renewing memberships, the exported data often has the end date blank or a date too far into the future, such as 12/31/2099. To import the membership information, a valid end date will need to be added (if blank) or corrected (if invalid). Typically, the (blank) end date is calculated by adding 5 years to the start date.


The following information can NOT be imported into Kicksite:

  • Credit card numbers or bank account numbers (this is against PCI Compliance)
  • Invoices, receipts, payment history, or recurring billings
  • Photos of students or prospects
  • Signed contracts/agreements/waivers
  • Promotion (rank) history
  • Attendance history

Most of the above information can be added individually on the student profile page by the admin or employees.