How to Add a Trial Membership to a Prospect
Trial memberships allow your prospect to experience a class they are interested in before signing up.
To add a trial membership to a prospect:

1. On the left panel, click Profiles, and then click Prospects.
2. Find the prospect you want to add a trial membership to in the list. Click the drop-down list directly underneath the prospect’s name and select Trial.
You can also add a trial on the prospect’s profile.
3. In the pop up that appears, you can set the trial end date by selecting the date from the calendar, and/or you can enter the number of attendances allowed for this trial membership.
The trial membership will end on the selected expiration date and/or the prospect attends the entered number of classes.
4. Click the Save button.
The page will redirect to the Prospects page and the trial membership will be added.
What’s Next?
To learn how to add Trial Memberships from your website or social media, check out our Marketing Tools (formerly called BizBuilders)! You can also track attendance for your trial memberships.