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How to Set Up Automated Messages


Automated messages can be set up to run when specific things happen (for example, when a student’s membership is expiring or a student’s birthday is approaching).

Click the following link to watch the video about how to set up Automated Messages.


To set up Automated Messaging:

1. On the left panel, click Communications.

2. Hover over Messages and click Automated Messaging.

3. To turn on automation, click on the toggle button next to the desired category. You can choose to send an email and or text message to the recipient.

4. Enter a number (in days) for when you want this alert to be sent after the trigger (for example, triggered 1 day after you add a new student).

Note: If the box is left empty or 0 is input, the alert will be sent immediately.

5. Enter a number (in days) for how often you want to send another email to remind the recipient.

6. (Optional) To send a text message, toggle Send SMS to On, and then type the message in the SMS field.

7. (Optional) To send an email, toggle Send Email to On, and then type a subject for the email and the customized body of the email.

  • Within the body text area, you can add special tokens (accessible at the top-left corner of the text editor) to personalize the emails you send.
  • These “hooks” or snippets of text will be converted when the email is sent. (For example, ((student_name)) will be converted to John Doe, or ((membership_program)) will be converted to My Membership Program.)

Available hooks:

  • ((student_name))
  • ((prospect_name))
  • ((last_class))
  • ((membership_program))
  • ((membership_end_information))
  • ((school))
  • ((event))
  • ((event start))
  • ((invoice_id_number))
  • ((invoice_total_due))
  • ((recurring_invoice_date))
  • ((recurring_invoice_total))

8. When you are finished updating and customizing the automated messages, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue Update Automation Settings button.