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Step 2: Customize Settings to Work for Your School


Ready to dig in and make some customizations that will make Kicksite work best for you? Read on!


First Steps

If you haven’t already customized programs and ranks, memberships, and added students, you will want to do those tasks first. See the Step 1 article for links to the articles delving into each task.


First: Customize your settings

Kicksite has many settings that can be adjusted to make the site work best for you.

Some of these settings may not be necessary for your school, and if that’s the case, it’s fine to leave those settings blank or at the default values. For example, you may not need to update the Testing Eligibility settings (see below) if you don’t charge promotion test fees or if you have programs with N/A for rank (such as Yoga, Strength & Conditioning, or Cardio Kickboxing).

Here are some of the settings you may want to tweak:

  • School Info & Logo: Add an image of your school logo (visible on the Student Check-In screen and the Dashboard). Add your business’ address on this page as well.
  • Revenue Streams: Add revenue streams to help make financial reports more specific and helpful.
  • Testing Eligibility: Add promotion test fees, time required at rank, and/or number of classes required for each rank. Any of these options can be blank, and each rank can be the same or different, according to your requirements.
  • Attendance Details: Set minimum attendance requirements and limits for your programs.
  • Attendance Awards: Enable this setting and enter the minimum number of classes required per month for students to earn bronze, silver, or gold attendance awards. If a student attends the required number of times in a month, they will receive an email message congratulating them and will see the medal icon by their name when they use the Student Check-In screen.

You may also want to customize the Dashboard to put the most important items at your fingertips when you login.


Second: Customize your billing

If you want to use Kicksite’s third-party card processor, you will likely want to request this soon after opening your Kicksite account. (Note, however, that you can add billing to your Kicksite account at any time.) If you prefer to keep your own card processor, but you do want to use Kicksite to record those payments, you can do that, too!

  • Request Billing: If you want to process card transactions through Kicksite, you need to submit your billing request first.
  • Set Up Inventory: You can add items and pricing to the Inventory, so you’re ready to create invoices and/or process payments.
  • Kicksite Account Billing: This is where you can check or update the billing tier for the payments you make to Kicksite, as well as update the card on file for payments. (For example, if you go from under 50 students to over 50 students, you will need to move to the Plus tier.)


What’s Next?

See the Step 3 article, which covers attendance, communications, and agreements.