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Step 4: Get Finances Set Up


You can choose whether to do your billing (to process payments and set up recurring billings for students) with Kicksite, or to keep your current credit card processor. If you do keep your current credit card processor, you will not be able to charge students from within Kicksite, but you can manually enter invoices or record payments to keep another record of your finances.


First Steps

This article provides the overview of using Kicksite to handle billing. See the Step 1 article to get your account set up and enter students; see the Step 2 article to tweak your Kicksite account’s settings, and see the Step 3 article to start communicating with your students and prospects, taking attendance, and sending agreements.

If you want to use Kicksite’s card processing provider, you will need to request to set up billing through Kicksite.


If you’re using Kicksite for billing

After the billing has been enabled in your Kicksite account, you’re ready to start billing students.


First: Gather card information

Kicksite offers two ways to gather students’ (or parents’) credit card information:

  • Send students (or parents) Payment Method Invites so they will receive an email with a secure link to enter their credit card information for billing.
  • Enter a Payment Method manually, for example, if you don’t have an email address for a student, or if they provide the card information to you in person.

Click the following link to find out how to send invitations or add a Payment Method.


Second: Add recurring billings or invoices

You can charge students in two main ways:

  • Set up a recurring billing to automatically charge the student on a regular basis. Most commonly, a recurring billing would be set up to charge a student on the same day each month for their monthly membership payment.
  • Add an invoice for a one-time charge. For example, create an invoice when a student purchases items such as sparring equipment, a t-shirt, or a bottle of water. You can also create an invoice for charges such as a one-time registration fee or a private lesson.


If you use a different card processor

If you prefer to keep using your current card processor, you may still wish to use Kicksite to record payments. This can be a back up for your financial data, and can also be helpful when you need to reconcile financial records later.

Instead of running a transaction (which charges a card), you will use invoices:


What’s Next?

If you haven’t already started using Marketing Tools to bring in new prospects, check out how to create a Lead Capture Form and a Landing Page in Step 5.