Best Practice: How to Create an Employee Account for Attendance
A best practice is to create an employee account strictly to run the Student Check-In screen. By limiting an employee account to only access attendance features, you help ensure your account’s security in case a student would accidentally hit a back button on the Student Check-In screen.
Click the following link to watch a video showing how to create a new employee.
To create a new employee account:
1. Click Quick Links in the left panel, click Employee, and then click New Employee. Alternatively, click your username in the upper-right corner, click Employees, and then click the Add New Employee button at the top right.

2. In the Name field, type the employee’s first and last name. (If needed, you can include a middle name, but it is not required.)
For an attendance-only account, keep in mind that the username will need to be unique for all Kicksite users (including other schools), so it will help to include your school name or an abbreviation of your school name as the employee’s name. For example, KMA Attendance or Checkin KicksiteMartialArts.
3. Enter the email in the Email Address field (you need to add an email address to set up a user account).
4. (Optional) Type a phone number in the Phone Number field; click the SMS toggle if you want to receive texts for this employee account. (Remember: Use a different email address than the administrator’s email address.)
5. Click the Add New button.
To restrict access to attendance only:
1. Click the new employee’s name in the Employee list.
2. The Employee Profile page appears; it looks and functions much the same as the Student Profile or Prospect Profile page. For and attendance-only account, you will likely not want to assign tasks or appointments; in the Contact Information section, click the Daily Appointments and Daily Tasks toggles to off. Click the Save button.
3. In the Feature Access & Permissions section, click all toggles to turn off all features. Click the Save button.
4. Click the User Account section in the left column, and then click the Create button. A link to set up a username and password will be emailed to the email address you entered in the Add New Employee pop-up.

To sign in and update the password:
Check your email; copy the password, and then click the Sign In Now link in the email.
Sign into the new employee account using the username and password supplied in the email.
To change the password:
1. Click your username in the upper-right corner and then click My Account.
2. You may need to scroll down; in the Credentials section, click the Password row.
3. In the Current Password field, type or paste the current password.
4. In the New Password and New Password Confirmation fields, type the new password.
5. Click the Save button.
You can then use the new attendance-only account to run the Student Check-In screen. On the device you use for checking in, open a browser and go to your Kicksite account. Log in using the username and password you set up in Step 10. On the left panel, click Attendances and then click Check In Screen. Enter the username and password again. (The second log in helps ensure that a student can’t accidentally back into your Kicksite account.)
Tip: If you use the Chrome browser, find out how to create a shortcut to the Student Check-In screen.
Your students can now check in, and your Kicksite account is safer by using the attendance-only employee login.