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Candidate List


After you create a Belt Test Event, you see the Candidate List. The Candidate List displays all the students within the programs and ranks that are eligible to be invited to the Belt Test Event.


First Steps

First, create the Belt Test Event.


The Candidate List:

For each student, you see their name and picture, program, current rank, date of their last promotion, number of attendances at the current rank, number of days at the current rank, and the testing fee for their next promotion.

Keep in mind that none of the students on the this list have been placed in the event yet.

This page allows you to select those students that have met eligibility requirements and are ready to test. The benefit of this feature is that you can plan out all future Belt Test Events and add each student in as they reach eligibility.


Filter your students:

The Candidates List allows you to easily filter or sort your students as you need:

  • To show only the students that have met attendance requirements, click the Eligible Based on Attendance button.
  • To show only the students that have met time requirements, click the Eligible Based on Days at Rank button.
  • To filter by any other category, use the search bar to search for names, programs, ranks, promotion dates, and more.


Add your students to the event:

To add students to a belt test event from the candidate list:

  1. Select the check box next to the student’s name and picture. Note: You can select multiple students or you can also click the Select All button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click Add to Event.

The Candidates List also allows you to email students from the list, in case you need to provide them with a bit more information, encouragement, and/or motivation.


What’s Next?

After you select the candidates for the Belt Test Event, you need to manage the Belt Test Event. After you have the actual promotion test, you will then want to promote students on the Belt Test Event.