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The WIN Initiative

WIN is a mindset, an approach, and a mission to combat COVID in a proactive way. Let’s stop hiding from the pandemic and let’s start winning. Let’s win as a business, as a community and as a nation. It starts with our well-being.

Join The Win Initiative

Sign Our Petition To Make Martial Arts Essential

The purpose of this petition is to improve access to martial arts schools by categorizing them as essential businesses. Due to the onset of COVID-19, many such facilities have been shut down or have had their operations heavily restricted. We believe martial arts schools are an ideal solution as they provide physical and mental health benefits, as well as improved confidence to a nation that is in desperate need.

Sign This Petition

Win Initiative LogoThere may never be a moment like the one now where we as martial arts business owners have needed to adapt and change. The stark fact is that we too are on our proverbial backs as states continue to impose COVID restrictions and the general public continues to deal with limits to life as we knew it. It’s time we forget about our losses and focus on our opportunities.

Advantages Of Martial Arts

Physical Benefits

It’s evident that training Martial Arts will improve your physical health but did you know that it also positively impacts your immunity and reduces your chance of cancer?

Mental Health Benefits

The combination of physical exercise and being involved in a community improves overall mental health substantially.

Community Aspects

Studies have found that connecting with other people can relieve stress, thus impacting your gut health, coronary arteries, immune system, and more.

Personal Safety

The concern for one’s personal safety is rising.  Martial Arts provides a non-violent solution to conflict resolution that our communities desperately need.

The WIN Initiative Resources