Kicksite Knowledge Base

How to Track Attendances for Trial Memberships


After a prospect starts a trial membership, they are automatically assigned an ID number. This allows the prospect to log their attendance by using their ID number on the Student Check-In screen.


First Steps

Make sure you set up an employee account for running the Student Check-In screen. You may also want to create a shortcut to the Student Check-In screen. To gather the prospects using the trial memberships, create a trial membership sign up form. You can also consider checking out creating a Lead Capture Form and creating a Landing Page with the updated BizBuilder.

Click the following link to find out how to access the Student Check-In screen so that students and prospects using a trial membership can check in.


To see attendances from your Trial Memberships:

Click Quick Links in the left panel, click Attendances, and then click Trial Attendances Log.

The page shows all trial attendances, including:

  • The prospect’s name
  • The trial’s terms
  • Attendance date and time

If you don’t see any Trial Membership attendances, click Start Date (on the right side) and enter a starting date further in the past. (For example, you many need to move the starting date a few weeks or months in the past to see all recent Trial Membership attendances.)

To find a list of your prospects on a Trial Membership (current and expired):

Click Quick Links in the left panel, click Memberships, and then click Trial Memberships List.

The page displays all of the Trial Memberships and includes:

  • The start and end dates of the Trial Membership
  • The current attendance count
  • The attendance limit for the trial period
  • The trial membership status (Current or Expired)


Remember: If you convert a prospect on a trial membership into a student, the trial attendances aren’t automatically converted to regular attendances. If you want to keep those attendances (for example, so any trial attendances will count toward the new student’s testing requirements), you will need to manually add the attendances to the converted student.
