Kicksite Knowledge Base

How to Use Uplifted Landing Pages

Landing Pages are like mini-websites where prospects can sign up for classes and memberships, purchase merchandise, sign waivers, and more. They’re highly customizable and can be used for many scenarios, like summer camps, Black Friday sales, and even general registration.

Before you create a Landing Page

Make sure you have the following set up in Kicksite:

How to Create a Landing Page

  1. Click the Marketing Tools section on the sidebar (represented by a target), then click Landing Pages.
  2. Click the Add New button in the upper right.
  3. Enter a title for the Landing Page. This can be seen by the people filling it out.
  4. (Optional) Change Advanced Settings.
  5. (Optional) Set up a custom confirmation email and/or custom confirmation page.
    • The default confirmation email (a summary of the filled out Landing Page) can be turned off.
    • If both the custom confirmation and default confirmation emails are on, two emails will be sent. If you have a Message Flow set up as well, the prospect may receive up to three emails. We recommend limiting it to one or two emails so they don’t feel overwhelmed.
  6. (Optional) Turn on email and/or text notifications when the Landing Page is completed. Formerly known as Quick Connect.
    • Multiple admin or employee email addresses can be selected.
  7. Select what Page Content you want.
    • Header – Displays text at the top of the Lead Capture Form.
    • Description – A text field with high customizability. Images and videos can be added.
    • Participant and Guardian Lead Capture Forms.
    • Sign Up – Select at least one Membership or Trial Membership and the Programs you want people to be able to select for that Membership. If you want to offer Class Registration, the selected Program(s) need a Recurring Class.
    • Agreements – Select an Agreement Template. Token fields can be filled out on the Landing Page.
    • Inventory Items – Select individual items or entire categories with the checkboxes.
  8. Click the Preview button to view an interactive version of the Landing Page. The Landing Page is not created until you click Add.
  9. Click Add to finish.
Changing the colors on a Landing Page, then previewing before saving.

Advanced Settings

Click Show Advanced Settings for these options:

  • Customize colors shown on the Landing Page.
    • To enter a hex code, click on the color label.
    • The eyedropper tool can color pick from somewhere else on your screen.
    • The “shadow” color affects small details like: divider lines, section borders, the box behind inventory category titles (if enabled), and the box behind the SMS Opt-In message.
  • To create Contact profiles instead of Prospects or Students, turn off Create Participant Profile on Submission.
  • To use a source other than the Landing Page’s name, turn on Use Custom Source.
A lead filling out a Landing Page

Lead Capture Forms on Landing Pages

You can select two Lead Capture Forms for a Landing Page: a participant (Student or Prospect) one, and a guardian one. Using both forms can be useful – you might want an adult’s phone number, but not a child’s.

  • If you don’t select a Guardian lead capture form, everyone will fill out the same fields. 
  • If the person signing up is 18 or older, they will have all the participant fields, plus the contact information required of a guardian (they count as their own guardian).

Landing Page submissions will create a Student (or Prospect, if they sign up for a trial membership) profile. If a Guardian is entered as well, their information will go in the Student or Prospect’s Guardian 1 field. A separate Contact profile will not be created for the Guardian.

When Family Sign-Ups are released in the future, the Guardian Lead Capture Form will allow creating a Primary person who isn’t a Student. Learn more about Families here.

Landing Page Submissions

To view a list of all submissions on a certain Landing Page, click on its title.This opens the details page. The details page also has a list of all included fields, basic statistics about the Landing Page, and the option to edit or duplicate a Landing Page. 

The submissions can be sorted by date, either newest first or oldest first. Click on a Prospect or Student’s name to view their profile.

Sharing Landing Pages

Landing Pages can be shared many different ways. On the details page or Landing Pages list, click Share to open the following options:

  • Sending a link in an email or text, or posting it in a social media post, is simple and effective. 
  • QR codes can be printed off and hung up as signs, turned into stickers, or posted online.
  • The embed code option allows you to put a Landing Page inside an existing website. 

Finally, Kiosk Mode will restart a Landing Page after completion, so customers can fill it out on a tablet or device in your studio.

Copying the Landing Page’s short link to share in a social media post

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I duplicate a Landing Page?

To streamline the process of creating multiple Landing Pages, you can duplicate an existing one and tweak small details, instead of starting from scratch. This is especially useful if you have many customizations or liked how a particular page was set up.

For example, to save time you might duplicate last year’s Black Friday Landing Page and change the dates and inventory items to reflect your current promotion.
