Kicksite Knowledge Base

How to Use Adjust Balance

Sometimes, invoices need to have their amounts adjusted. There are two main reasons to use the Adjust Balance function: you want to reduce the balance, or you don’t intend to collect the balance owed.

Choose I’m reducing the balance if you’re issuing a credit. For example, a student helped by cleaning the mats after class and you’re crediting their membership fees accordingly.

Choose I don’t intend to collect any of it if circumstances have changed since the invoice was made, and you don’t anticipate getting any of the money. For example, a student quit and you know they won’t be paying for their membership anymore.

To reduce a balance:

Using Adjust Balance to reduce the balance of an invoice, since a student earned credit by cleaning the mats.
  1. Go to the details page for the invoice you want to adjust. There are several ways to do this;
    • Search for an invoice ID in the global search
    • Find it in the Finances module on a person or family’s profile
    • Locate it in the Invoices section of Finances.
  2. Next, click the Adjust Balance button, next to the Pay button.
  3. In the modal that opens, choose I’m reducing the balance.
    • Note that once you reduce an invoice’s balance, it’s no longer able to be voided.
  4. Enter the amount you want to reduce from the total. The new balance will be listed at the bottom.
    • If you enter an amount greater than the Current Balance, it’ll be automatically adjusted to prevent errors.
  5. In the Reason field, explain why you’re adjusting the balance. This will be available on the Adjusted Balances report.
  6. Finally, click the Adjust button.

To mark as Don’t Intend to Collect:

Using Adjust Balance to mark an invoice as “Don’t Intend to Collect.”
  1. Go to the details page for the invoice you want to adjust. There are several ways to do this;
    • Search for an invoice ID in the global search
    • Find it in the Finances module on a person or family’s profile
    • Locate it in the Invoices section of Finances.
  2. Next, click the Adjust Balance button, next to the Pay button.
  3. In the modal that opens, choose I don’t intend to collect any of it. This sets the New Balance to zero.
  4. In the Reason field, explain why you don’t intend to collect any of the invoice. This will be available on the Adjusted Balances report.
  5. Finally, click the Adjust button.