
Watson Martial Arts

Learn how Kyle Watson used Kicksite’s landing pages to make Black Friday a massive success for his academy.

Reviews / Case Study

Kyle Watson with Watson Martial Arts in St. Louis, MO had wildly impressive results using Kicksite landing pages for his 2023 Black Friday offers. Read below to learn more about his school, why he decided to use landing pages for his Black Friday promotion, and how it turned out!

Tell Us About Your School

My school is called Watson Martial Arts and we’ve been open since 2011. I’ve been teaching a lot longer than that, but that’s when my school opened up with me serving as a sole proprietor. My motto for the gym is “the art of improvement” and the mission is to improve people’s lives by exposing them to the benefits martial arts has to offer.

What Prompted You to Use Kicksite Landing Pages for Black Friday

I watched a Kicksite webinar about landing pages and didn’t know anything about it previously. I rarely do any marketing because the gym is super busy, but I started watching the webinar and was like “Maybe I’m leaving money on the table.” So I contacted one of my friends who runs Black Friday sales and after he gave me some ideas, I thought in conjunction with the landing pages I would give it a whirl.

How Did It Go? What Were Your Results?

It ended up being super easy, I told my assistant to make a graphic and then put the sale prices together. The process for creating the Kicksite landing page was simple and the Kicksite team was helpful and prompt with getting the website updated. We totaled about $45-46,000 overall were super happy with the results. We look forward to doing it again in the future, not only on Black Friday, but looking at other periodic sales we can do throughout the year. I was really happy with the success and definitely happy with the ease of use of landing pages and we’ll be using them a lot in the future!

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