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Clark Gracie

Clark Gracie

Founder of Clark Gracie Jiu Jitsu

Kicksite is focused on Jiu Jitsu, so that’s the main reason I made the switch.  The Kicksite team made the move easy.  Because Kicksite is only for martial arts, it’s easy to use and gives me exactly what I need to make sure tuition is collected, students are happy, and my business is growing. 5/5

Clark Gracie, Founder of Clark Gracie Jiu Jitsu


Video Transcript:

“What’s up everybody I am Clark Gracie and I just wanted to take a moment to talk to you guys about Kicksite! It is a software that I have been using at my academy that’s been helping me so much with staying organized at my academy. I really recommend it for anyone and I will tell you guys why.”

“I set up a tablet at my front desk where people come in at the reception. All the students can come in, they can check in, and they see how many days they have been coming, they see their attendance track record, and this almost becomes a competition within the students. They can see who’s coming more you know? So it’s a great way for the students to see their attendance, and also for the instructor, for me, and my staff to keep track of who’s been coming, who isn’t coming, and for us to follow up with people accordingly.”

“Another thing that they have that’s great is being able to communicate with the students easily. Obviously through email, we can send out mass newsletters really easily, but also through text messages. So, we can send out last minute alerts and let them know what’s going on, something during class, if we have a guest instructor. It is really quick and goes straight to their phone, and it is a very convenient way to stay in touch with the student base.”

“Of course, they also handle our billing. So having it all-in-one is something I think is really beneficial as an academy owner to keep everything tight and run all in the same place. So if you guys haven’t check it out yet, check out Kicksite, and for sure they can give you a free demo as well. I highly recommend it, don’t miss out on the opportunity to change your academy, and do it with the best software out there!

“I hope you guys like it! Later!”