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Martial arts instructors must continue to change up their classes.

3 Instructor Tips for Better Martial Arts Classes

For many children, learning martial arts is about the experience as much as it is acquiring advanced self-defense skills.

Martial arts classes are a great way to get children to be active.

Get Children Off Their Phones and Into Martial Arts Classes

During the holidays, many children receive computers, tablets and smartphones as gifts that they can use to access the Internet, where they can find all sorts of information.

Reach out to students with a nice birthday greeting.

How to Connect with Martial Arts Students On Their Birthdays

Martial arts school owners share a different relationship with their customers than leaders of other businesses.

Young students can be heavily influenced by their instructors.

Using the Right Teaching Methods Can Improve Tae Kwon Do Instruction

Tae Kwon Do instructors will often have to deal with young children, and their interactions with students can be critical in their ability to master the tenets of martial arts.

BJJ training will allow children to drive bullies away.

How Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Builds Confidence Against Bullies

There are many types of bullying: verbal, physical, covert and cyberbullying. Children who face this type of torment often feel powerless and weak.

Young children with ADHD might want to seek out martial arts classes.

Tae Kwon Do, not medication, can help students with ADHD

Practicing Tae Kwon Do has long been thought of as a way to help children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder learn how to focus and improve their performance in school.

Allowing shoppers to buy gift cards can help out attendance at the martial arts school.

Sell gift cards during the holidays to appease shoppers

How is your martial arts school preparing for the holidays? 

Use the lessons from tae kwon do to stand up to bullies.

How Tae Kwon Do Helps Students Dealing with Bullies

Forty-nine percent of nearly 1,300 of young people between 14-24 who participated in a recent study by MTV and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research admitted to having experienced digital abuse.

Reduce the frustrations of work with taekwondo training.

Reduce Workplace Stress with Tae Kwon Do

Frustrations at work can run high, and when things become tense at the office, it’s important for professionals to be able to find a way to unwind. This is exactly why tae kwon do training is a great idea for people who want to let off some steam after work.

Engaged employees are the best brand advocates.

Engaged employees serve as brand advocates

Although marketing helps martial arts schools highlight what makes them unique, the best brand advocates may be the establishments’ employees.

4 Tips for Improving SEO Results

4 Tips for Improving SEO Results

Although search engine optimization can seem complicated, martial arts schools can benefit from increased traffic to their websites.

Choosing the right domain name can help martial arts schools be found online.

4 Tips for Choosing a Domain Name

Domain names are a critical part of a strong online presence for new martial arts schools and those looking to adjust their image.