How martial arts can help kids with developmental disabilities

How martial arts can help kids with developmental disabilities

What is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month?

In 1987, President Ronald Reagan first recognized March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Today, the effort is still in full force as this annual campaign is spearheaded by the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities. Their aim is to unite individuals with and without disabilities, heighten awareness of individuals with disabilities, and show how they are contributing to their communities through work, school, and other activities.

Photo of Ronald Reagan with a 1987 quote from his Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month proclamation

What is considered a developmental disability?

As defined by the CDC, developmental disabilities are a group of conditions due to an impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavior areas. These disabilities typically begin during children’s early developmental periods and last throughout their lifetime. While not a comprehensive list, the most common developmental disabilities include:

  • ADHD
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Hearing loss
  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Tourette syndrome

Although developmental disabilities can cause impairments or limits with physical or learning capabilities, it’s still crucial for these individuals to stay healthy, active and involved in activities. And you might be surprised at how common developmental disabilities actually are. Recent estimates suggest that around 17% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 have one or more developmental disabilities.

How can martial arts help kids with developmental disabilities?

As anyone who has taught or trained martial arts knows, the lessons in discipline, confidence, and physical and mental health are extraordinary traits for any child to gain. This includes children with developmental disabilities! Beyond the broad opportunities for growth and development, there are highly-specific benefits that can be gained for martial arts students with development disabilities:

  • Socializing and sense of community
  • Anti-bullying techniques
  • Coordination and motor skills
  • Improved focus and attention
  • Coping skills

Creating a program specific for children with special needs could provide them a unique opportunity that isn’t available through other martial arts schools or athletics programs in your area. With an inclusive, well-paced special needs martial arts program, they won’t fall behind from others or feel forced to move forward before they’re ready. 

Rather, they can train alongside others who are facing similar challenges while feeling welcome and safe in a patient and understanding environment. They can all grow together and greatly improve their self-confidence and make life a lot easier in a time where many things could be a daily struggle.

A case study in creating a martial arts program for developmental disabilities

Bobby Pallen, owner of Pallen's Martial Arts Tri-Valley, where they run an All Abilities program for students with disabilities

Bobby Pallen of Pallen’s Martial Arts Tri-Valley in Dublin, CA has been running his ‘All Abilities’ program for around 3 years. Before the program was created, Pallen had offered private lessons to a number of students with disabilities that ranged in severity and prevented them from being able to join group classes. As he conducted these private lessons, he always wished he could offer even more given the number of children who live with disabilities. Thanks to his longtime student-turned-instructor Cedric Novenario, whose daughter is Autistic, Pallen found a final push and source of inspiration to create an established program.

All Abilities classes are specially designed for kids with disabilities, so they can discover the benefits of martial arts in an environment that is better suited to their needs and unique individual learning paces. They are group classes, but Pallen notes that they operate with a level of independence and freedom that is necessary for it to be successful. Parents are encouraged to step on the mats and assist with drills, and for students who might be considered ‘runners’, they are given the grace to go on and off the mats as needed.

While there’s freedom in the All Abilities program, it’s hardly a free-for-all. Pallen makes it a point to root these classes in the same martial arts curriculum he uses for his other programs. This martial arts core is supplemented by other physical activities, ranging from strength and conditioning to flexibility and reflex work. For example, one day he might set up heavy bags and have students dive into stick training, practicing striking the bags at different angles.  The lessons learned on the mats don’t stop there, either. Parents are provided with lesson plans to take home, and encouraged to do repetition work with students when they aren’t in class. 

This focus on parent involvement, attention to detail, and the fine-tuned balance of structure and freedom have paid off. “I’ve had feedback from parents that there’s nothing like it around the area,” Pallen said. And the benefits go beyond positive reviews from moms and dads. Pallen has even been able to transition a handful of students into standard classes thanks to the growth and development they’ve experienced through the All Abilities program. Pallen hopes to further expand the program too – he dreams of making it bigger and is working to connect with local groups and organizations to secure funding for his work with students who have disabilities.

While the idea of creating a special program for students with disabilities may seem intimidating, Pallen stresses that there’s nothing to fear. Simply speaking with Cedric and using him as a resource was all he needed to have the confidence to create the All Abilities program. He encourages instructors to talk to parents of kids with disabilities to understand basic needs and wants, and fully grasp the main benefits that these parents are seeking. 

You may not realize it, but you could be just a few conversations away from making a massive difference in your community for kids with developmental disabilities. Take inspiration from Bobby Pallen during Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and look into starting a special needs program at your martial arts school!

Students from Pallen’s Martial Arts Tri-Valley’s All Abilities class participate in their 2024 Belt Testing event.