COVID-19: What to Do When Your Students Want to Cancel

COVID-19: What to Do When Your Students Want to Cancel

Your Solution

We know that right now, times are tough. The shelter in place orders are affecting martial arts gyms and studios across the country. Students are staying home, and while this can be remedied by utilizing virtual programs and classes, some still may want to cancel for financial reasons or lack of interest. We understand that keeping students engaged and enrolled in your gym in the coming weeks is vital to the future of your studio and your livelihood. To help you in these dire times, we put together a game plan for gym owners to go through in order to keep students (and their parents) interested in their martial arts virtual training.  


Proactively Call All Your Students

The first step is to proactively check-in with your students. All of them. Taking the time to review your students’ training and their life shows that you are involved and interested in their wellbeing and their training. By proactively reaching out to your families, you can ask them how virtual classes are going and give them the opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback. Giving families the chance to voice their opinion will help them feel involved and part of your business. Whether that means changing techniques or curriculum, it will always be beneficial to hear what your students have to say. 


Put Together A Discounted Rate If They Stay Another Month

If you are able, allow students and their families to look at discounted rates if they stay enrolled. When they call to cancel, let them know that you understand, but you would hate to see them go. Offer a 20-50% discount if they keep their membership during this crisis. Many families are being affected financially, so they are looking for ways to save. By offering a discount, you are giving them the positive choice to continue supporting your business while saving money. Parents will appreciate the gesture and want to continue their child’s membership at your gym. Additional ideas for discounts would be on merchandise or private lessons. By discounting monthly memberships or lessons,  you will prove to these families that you want to work with them during this time of uncertainty. 


Offer Virtual Private Lessons If They Want To Cancel

If virtual group lessons aren’t successful with your students or aren’t currently available, offer virtual private lessons. These give your students a more hands on experience with you or their other instructors. They will feel included and will be more likely to return once you’re able to reopen your martial arts studio. Not only that, you can see firsthand how each individual student is improving while staying home. To reward your students for staying, promise to host a party at the end of the quarantine. This gives students something to look forward to while staying at home. 


Explain the Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

The benefits of exercise aren’t just physical, they’re mental too! Social distancing and quarantine could cause a negative impact on your students and their mental health. As the need to stay indoors and away from normal social activities increases, your students’ potential to develop depression also grows. Exercise combats this by kicking up endorphin levels and reducing stress. Remind your students that keeping up with virtual training through online classes provides them with the feeling of belonging to something other than home. Having a social interaction outlet will always be beneficial, even if it’s online. Remind parents of this when they reach out to cancel. Keeping your students enrolled is a very important part of improving their mental health during this difficult time. 


In Summary

Kicksite wants martial arts studios and gyms to continue to thrive during this time. We are committed to helping students and owners alike in keeping their passion for martial arts alive. We hope this guide will help give you the tools and ideas you need to keep students enrolled and actively participating in your classes. Stay healthy and stay safe!