How to Connect with Martial Arts Students On Their Birthdays

How to Connect with Martial Arts Students On Their Birthdays

Martial arts school owners share a different relationship with their customers than leaders of other businesses. They see their students every time they come to the school for class and can build personal bonds with them. Martial arts schools should use these opportunities to their advantage, especially regarding customer retention.

The perfect time for martial arts school owners to show appreciation for students is on their birthday.

Birthday messages are proven effective

Martial arts school owners can put a smile on the faces of students and parents by sending a simple birthday greeting. In fact, a new study from analytics and marketing technology provider Fulcrum showed 74 percent of 500 consumers said they they had a better view of a company after receiving some type of communication on their birthday.

Simply reaching out with a birthday greeting of some kind can be key when students are deciding where to sign up for Karate or Tae Kwon Do class in the future. The stronger the relationships that school owners form with their students, the more likely they will sign up for class again.

“While marketers who recognize their customers’ birthdays assume the message creates an even stronger relationship with them, our consumer research confirms the positive influence on both the brand’s image and future sales to that customer,” said Tara Piazza, senior vice president at Fulcrum.

Acknowledge students on social media

Social media is at its peak in terms of popularity, and Americans are using the sites more than ever before. This is why martial arts school owners should be leveraging Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to build their community. Whether schools are reaching out to students on their birthday or mentioning them in a photo or post, using these online platforms is another opportunity to strengthen relationships with customers. A blog post from Hubspot stated that tagging students in pictures you upload can drive more traffic to the school’s social media pages.