6 Email Templates to Inspire Your Students to Come to Class Amidst COVID

6 Email Templates to Inspire Your Students to Come to Class Amidst COVID

Student retention has always been a large part of being a martial arts gym owner. Since gyms are seeing a drop off in memberships and class attendance due to COVID-19, that statement rings especially true. While the dip in memberships during this time is understandable and was most likely foreseen by many, Kicksite knows it’s in your best interest as a martial arts studio to incentivize your students to come back to class and this can be accomplished through our structured email templates. Letting them know that it’s safe to do so will bring peace of mind to parents and students alike to encourage their continued training. 


As your martial arts software provider, we want to guide you through and see your business safely on the other side of quarantine, so we’ve compiled these six email templates for you to send to your students so they feel confident about the benefits of martial arts for their health and wellbeing. 

Our Email Templates

TEMPLATE #1 Attending Class With Confidence – Safety Guidelines



Letting your students and their parents know what you’re doing to keep them safe while attending class is a necessary step in this process. Not only are new safety guidelines required by many states, but they bring peace of mind to parents and show that your martial arts studio cares about the well-being and health of your students. 


Dear (their name)


At (your studio name), we want you to know that your health is our top priority. That’s why when you come to class, we are actively practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and sanitizing surfaces throughout the day. We’re also keeping in line with (your state)’s safety protocols. Here is a full breakdown of our updated guidelines: 


(Insert safety policies here) 


In addition to our thorough cleaning schedule, (type of martial arts) is a sport that is almost void of equipment and can be socially distant while continuing with the normal cadence of training without inhibiting any progress made. 


If you have any further questions or concerns regarding our latest policies, please feel free to contact us! As always, we hope to see you in the gym soon. Stay healthy! 


Thank you for your continued support, 

(Your name)


TEMPLATE #2 Physical Benefits of Attending Class 



Reminding your students of the benefits gained from physical activity can motivate them to continue attending classes. Not only is it a great stress reliever, but it’s also an effective way to work out any excess energy they might have from a prolonged quarantine. These benefits can inspire parents to get the kids out of the house too! 


Dear (their name)


Staying active during quarantine has been a challenge for all of us! Luckily, now that we’ve moved into a more transitional period of the nationwide lockdown, gyms and martial arts studios are able to reopen while following guidelines. Since we can have students back in class here at (your gym/studio), we wanted to share some benefits of continued exercise! 



  • According to the CDC, regular exercise can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. 
  • Continued exercise reduces the risk of developing health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. 
  • A study by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that serotonin production increases during exercise. Serotonin is a mood-regulating chemical that occurs naturally in the body, which helps ward off neurological disorders and mood disorders. 



Exercise undoubtedly has benefits that go beyond keeping busy, so we want you to know that (your gym/studio) is here to help you and your family stay active. Let our team know if you have any questions about returning to class! 


Thank you for your continued support, 

(Your name)


TEMPLATE #3 How to Build Up Your Immunity 



Fortifying your immune system is something we should think about every day, but right now, it’s at the forefront of everyone’s mind when it comes to building up a resistance to pathogens. While being physically fit won’t prevent your students from catching coronavirus, it can help boost immunity and keep their energy up. Teaching your students about additional benefits they can glean from their martial arts classes will remind them of the importance of staying active and staying enrolled. 


Dear (their name)


Did you know that keeping your immune system at the top of its game will provide long-lasting benefits for your health? Exercise helps promote overall immunity by strengthening your body’s antibodies and white blood cells, both of which help prevent infections and fight off unwanted illness. 


According to Medline Plus, physical activity could even aid in flushing bacteria from the lungs and airways, which is where bacteria gather to cause flu, colds, or other illnesses. 


Continuing in your (type of martial arts) training at (your gym/studio) provides you with a healthy outlet that allows our students to be socially distant, stay healthy, and boost their immune systems all at the same time. 


If you have any questions for our team of trainers, please feel free to reach out! We are here for you. 


Thank you for your continued support, 

(Your name)


TEMPLATE #4 The Importance of Community 



Traditionally, all martial arts practitioners put an emphasis on the importance of community. Whether that means serving others to improve the community in their area or providing a sense of community to students, it’s an integral aspect of the sport. Reminding your students that they have a place within your studio where they can practice their martial arts safely could be beneficial to their mental health and inspire them to attend classes. 


Dear (their name)


Here at (your gym/studio), you’re a valued member of our team. We want you to know that you have a place to go if you ever want to get out of the house, work out excess energy, or refocus your brain. We understand that things seem a little different right now, but you can count on us as your (type of martial arts) studio to be here when you need it.


Our community has always been a top priority for our studio, and that hasn’t changed just because of the circumstances. 


For class needs and beyond, please don’t hesitate to contact us! 


Thank you for your continued support, 

(Your name)


TEMPLATE #5 Mental Health Benefits of Exercise 



According to this article from the Washington Post, coronavirus is having a detrimental impact on the mental health of the United States population. Mental health experts say that there is a direct correlation between the rising unemployment rates and the rising diagnoses of depression and other mood disorders in 2020. Letting families know that they can improve their mental health while at your studio that informs them they can seek some form of reprieve outside the normal channels of mental health assistance. 


Dear (their name)


It’s a well-known fact that exercise improves mental health. Exercise relieves those who experience anxiety, depression, negative moods, social withdrawal, and low self-esteem by boosting cognitive function and improving blood circulation to the brain. By continuing in your (type of martial arts) training, you can improve your mental health during a time when it seems impossible to do so. 


We’re still here for you as your studio, our trainers and staff are ready to continue your training and keep you healthy in more ways than one. 


If you have any questions for our team regarding reopening policies or class attendance, please feel free to reach out! 


Thank you for your continued support, 

(Your name)


TEMPLATE #6 What We’ve Done During Quarantine 



If your students or their families have not followed along with what’s been going on at the studio over quarantine, now is the perfect time to showcase that. Highlighting all of the best parts (instead of the worst) can incentivize your students to come back by reminding them why they chose your studio in the first place. Whether that was fun Zoom meetings, virtual classes, or days where just the staff was cleaning the studio, being upfront about your continued efforts to be active will help bring students through your doors. This could also present an opportunity for you to reach out to existing students who haven’t fallen off in their training to speak to why they decided to stay. 


Dear (their name)


In case you missed what we’ve been up to during quarantine, here’s a sneak peek…


(put funny pictures, videos, or screenshots here) 


We also reached out to a few of you to see how you’ve been doing during virtual classes and here’s what your classmates had to say! 


(any quotes from students can go here) 


Now that the studio has reopened, we can’t wait to see each of your (masked) faces in class to continue your training. 


If you have any questions for our team regarding our reopening policies or class attendance, please feel free to reach out! 


Thank you for your continued support, 

(Your name)


Let’s do this…

Kicksite strives to be your number one source for martial arts software support. These email templates are designed to encourage your students to return to class and drive attention to your studio.


If you have any questions about how to utilize these email templates for your business, feel free to reach out to our team and we would be happy to help! To learn more about Kicksite’s membership management software, visit our website.