5 Simple Tips to Keep Martial Arts Students Motivated

5 Simple Tips to Keep Martial Arts Students Motivated

Martial arts schools are much more than places where students can go to learn the art of self-defense. Yes, offering instruction in taekwondo and karate may be the hook to get people enrolled in classes, but once participation begins, teachers will quickly find that they will need to be proficient in other areas to keep people engaged. One of these is motivation.

As is the case in many situations, students, particularly those just beginning their martial arts training, will come in with a wealth of energy and enthusiasm. However, once the euphoric feeling of starting something new and exciting wears off, it’s not uncommon for enrollees to drop out. There are a number of causes for this, including boredom or people discovering that self-defense training isn’t easy and can even be physically taxing. Experienced instructors must become master motivators to keep classes full and students coming back.

Here are motivational techniques that instructors can use to help keep martial arts students motivated:

Set expectations:

Many first-time karate or taekwondo students think Bruce Lee became the master he was overnight. Those teaching martial arts classes should be honest and inform students that there will be both good and bad days, but it’s important to remain focused on the reasons they signed up for self-defense classes in the first place.

Demand excellence:

According to TeachHub, students won’t perform up to their capabilities on their own. It’s up the instructors to set the expectation in class.

Instill discipline:

Today, particularly with the advent and explosion of technology, attention spans are shorter than ever. According to Allegheny College, demanding concentrate and focus during class instills a sense of discipline that will carry over.

Make instruction relatable:

According to TeachHub, instructors should help students understand how martial arts techniques can also be applied in their everyday lives. Resulting in a sense of self-confidence, that leaves them hungry to learn more.