4 Tips for Improving SEO Results

4 Tips for Improving SEO Results

Although search engine optimization can seem complicated, martial arts schools can benefit from increased traffic to their websites. If a site is more visible online, it can lead to higher enrollment at the school.

It’s no longer enough to create a website and leave it alone. Because of changes in Google’s search algorithm, websites that don’t utilize the most up-to-date SEO techniques could be penalized and displayed further down in the results or not show up at all. This can impact martial arts schools’ ability to attract new students.

Even though the rules have changed, there are simple steps martial arts schools can take to boost their online visibility:


1. Perform keyword research

Determining the right keywords is critical to the success of an SEO strategy, and even if the school has a bunch of search terms, additional research can be beneficial. Martial arts schools should identify overarching themes and the topics their target audience wants to learn about to create long tail keywords, according to an infographic from GoBeyond SEO. In fact, more than 70 percent of Google searches include 5 to 7 word terms.


2. Lay on-page SEO keywords

After conducting keyword research, it’s time to lay the groundwork on the site. Strong title tags are essential for good results. These should be utilized both around the site and with each post. Posts should also be relevant to overall themes. For example, if a martial arts school has a focus in tae kwon do, blog posts and other content should relate to that.


3. Eliminate duplicate content

If the same content is associated with two separate URLs, search engine bots can get confused and drop the site down in the rankings. While Google has stated sites won’t be officially penalized for duplicate content, it’s better to check for it and remove it through Google’s Webmaster tools, Business 2 Community said.


4. Create relevant content

Content marketing is becoming more important for driving traffic to a website. Martial arts schools can establish themselves as thought leaders, which will help both search engines and potential students find the website. Although the number of posts can make a difference, search engines are placing a higher value on quality content. A large volume of low-quality content won’t cut it anymore. Business 2 Community noted content should be optimized with keywords for the best results.