3 Instructor Tips for Better Martial Arts Classes

3 Instructor Tips for Better Martial Arts Classes

For many children, learning martial arts is about the experience as much as acquiring advanced self-defense skills. Martial Arts Instructors must know how to lead their classes and keep kids engaged. Preparing to lead a class of children is critical to the success of a martial arts school.

Below are some tips that instructors should use to make martial arts classes an enjoyable learning experience for younger students:

Continue to change up classes

Even though martial arts have been around for centuries, doesn’t mean instructors need to keep their classes the same. According to an article written by martial arts expert Alison Todd, it’s imperative to review and refine classes. The best instructors optimize their classes to include the latest technology and equipment.

Give the kids a sense of control

Sara Lynne Schiwal, a teacher in New York City, told RealSimple.com, that her students will often behave better when they feel like they have a say in their learning. Martial arts instructors should take this to heart when they are planning their classes. Giving children a few opportunities throughout class to pick what they want to do can go a long way in improving their experience when learning martial arts. Running an authoritarian class could be the wrong move for instructors who want kids to have a fun time while expanding their martial arts skills. Sometimes giving up a little control can make classes that much better.

Maintain authority in class

Learning martial arts is a collaborative experience between students and their instructors, but that doesn’t mean that children can be disobedient. Todd wrote that using unambiguous, clear language during instruction will demonstrate to kids who is in charge. It’s important not to be too stern while dealing with children, but finding that place where they respect their instructors, which will lead to less goofing off during class. An instructor who shows authority will have well-behaved students.