Kicksite Knowledge Base

How Do I Cancel My Merchant Provider Account?


In the case that you need to cancel your Kicksite account and you are using a merchant provider for billing, keep in mind that you will need to cancel your merchant provider account separately from cancelling your Kicksite account.

Kicksite requires a 30-day notice of cancellation (per the Terms of Service):

  • The billing management system cancellation is separate from the Kicksite software system cancellation.
  • Kicksite can NOT manage the cancellation with the merchant provider on your behalf.

In effort to help the transition of closing your Kicksite account, please:

  1. Review your merchant provider billing contract for cancellation requirements.
  2. Clarify any questions that you may have regarding billing with your merchant provider.
  3. After you have finalized cancellation, you must review any recurring billing that is set up for the students in Kicksite.
  4. Please make necessary adjustments to billing settings if you need to adjust draft dates.

Owners must do the management of student billing, including inactivating any recurring billing settings.

Remember: Kicksite recommends that you manually inactivate any recurring billings for students that you do not want to process after you cancel your Kicksite account and merchant provider account. This is the safest way to ensure students will not be charged.

  • If the student’s recurring billing settings are not inactivated, the student will continue to be charged until your merchant provider account cancellation period is completed.
  • If a student has been charged in error as a result of not inactivating recurring billing, you will be responsible for refunding the student and all fees incurred.