Kicksite Knowledge Base

How to Set Up Automated Messages

Automated messages make your life easier by sending communications when trigger events happen (for example, when a membership is about to expire).

To receive an Automated Message, a profile must have a valid email address (and phone number, for SMS messages).

These messages are sent out nightly.

⚠️ Important note: Automated Messaging is being phased out in favor of Message Flows. Not all Automated Messages currently function.

Getting to Automated Messaging

  1. In the left sidebar, click Communications (represented by a speech bubble).
  2. In the Communications section, click the Messages dropdown, then select Automated Messaging at the bottom.

How to Turn on Automated Messages

  1. Toggle on each Automated Message you want to send.
  2. Enter the number of days you want to pass before the message is sent.
    • For example, 1 day before a Membership expires.
    • If you leave the box empty or put 0, the message will send immediately.
  3. You can also send reminder messages.
    • Enter the frequency you want in “Notify them again every __ days.”
  4. Toggle on SMS, email, or both.
    • SMS messages are only 100 characters.
    • Emails are longer, and can contain images, tokens, and more advanced formatting.
  5. To save your changes, click the Update Automation Settings button at the bottom of the page.

Automated Messages – SMS

SMS messages are shorter than emails, and can’t have tokens or advanced formatting.

In order for your school to send text messages, you must set up the SMS integration in Settings.

Automated Messages – Emails

Within the email’s text area, you can add tokens. These update for each person you’re messaging, so you don’t have to configure each individual message. (recipient_name)) will be converted to John Doe, or ((membership_program)) will be converted to Karate.

To access tokens, click the gear in the upper left of the toolbar, or type them in. Make sure to include the double parentheses.

Available tokens:

  • ((recipient_name)) – Formerly student_name, must be updated to recipient_name to work
  • ((prospect_name))
  • ((last_class))
  • ((membership_program))
  • ((membership_end_information))
  • ((school))
  • ((event))
  • ((event start))
  • ((invoice_id_number))
  • ((invoice_total_due))
  • ((recurring_invoice_date))
  • ((recurring_invoice_total))
